Wire machines – Manufacturers fluctuating between stagnation and recovery

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It has been recently accomplished the customary survey that Centro Marketing carries out to monitor the trend of wire machine manufacturers comparing the various quarters. It refers this time to the period included between April and June 2015, when positive signs are not missing.

Srl has recently completed the sample survey about the trend of wire machinery manufacturers operating in our Country and joining the cluster of Acimaf, trade association that counts about 60 members. The number witnesses the reliability of the survey carried out by Centro Marketing, considering that the enterprises interviewed on this occasion were a good 47. As usual, the investigations by Centro Marketing are on quarterly basis and the latest one analysed the period included between April and June of the current year. Five were the parameters analysed. First the turnover trend; the performance of production, of job orders, the geographical provenience of quotation requests and finally the Countries or the macro-regions issuing the orders. It is worth noticing that in terms of pure business, of turnover generated in the second 2015 quarter, negative signs are generally limited. According to the statistics, 17 producers out of 47, corresponding to 36% of the total, scored growing turnovers while only seven, as expression of 15% of interviewees, are the companies affected by a drop in this same ambit, even if it is impossible to determine the entity. Globally, stands out the number of brands whose turnovers remained essentially stable in the three months. 49% of interviewed companies, that is to say 23 out of 47, report a static turnover. If we analyse instead productive dynamics, it is worth underlining the identical incidence of manufacturers whose output has not undergone relevant variations – still 49% of the participants in the survey – while the companies witnessing a rise are 19, 40% of the sample. A downturn affects only five realities out of the almost 50 involved, 11% of those consulted by Centro Marketing Srl. The description of the job order trend is much more varied, and under certain aspects contradictory, maybe envisaging a more complicated future. If it is true that 45% of Acimaf members asked on the occasion declared they have welcomed the rise, nevertheless it is not negligible the weight of those witnessing their decrease, 26%, with 12 vendors of wire machines out of 47. Stagnation finally characterizes 30% of interviewees, that is to say 14 out of 47.

Outlet markets: America, Far East and Europe ranking first

It naturally provided for multiple answers the question that Centro Marketing Srl proposed, for its quarterly investigation, about the world areas submitting quotation requests. The answers underline the prevailing importance of the home market. 81% of requests come in fact from Italy; and the European Continent is anyway the provenience of 94% of them. It is anyway important to remind 72% of answers referring to America (North and Latin), together with 66% reporting estimates demanded by East Asia. Minor (with 38% of the answers) is the influence of China, while Russia is limited to 53%. Worth highlighting 49% of replies indicating India as a source of contacts. 26 wire machine manufacturers out of 47 (that is to say 55% of the sampling) enjoy the interest of other regions, too, in addition to those above mentioned. If this is the overall outline of the quotation demands coming from our Peninsula or from abroad, slightly different is on the contrary the order survey. 74% of them (35 manufacturers out of 47) is tricolour-branded and 81% (38 manufacturers) are made in Europe. Russia is mentioned by 19% of interviewees only; east Asia nations, instead, by 20 consulted enterprises, representing 43% of the total. 17% of the participants in the survey received orders from the Popular Republic of China and 26% from India. Very significant also the 60% percentage of producers receiving orders from North and South America; we end with 40% (19 out of 47) of those dealing with other areas, too.

Roberto Carminati in collaboration with Acimaf members


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