Berti Galvanica, company specialized in galvanic treatments on small metal parts, presents a novelty for the sector of screws, bolts and precision mechanics. For these fields, in fact, the enterprise proposes a nickel-plating service, managing each batch type in short times and at low costs. Thanks to the semi-automated lines of galvanic plants, the Tuscan company can in fact treat both big and small quantities, always preserving a craft component in each machining, fruit of over 60 years of experience. Besides, Berti Galvanica has succeeded in addressing customers coming from different sectors – which range from fashion to mechanics – offering a customized service able to satisfy different and more and more particular requirements. To each new customer Berti Galvanica offers a free-of-charge sampling of all finishes, from the precious ones (gold, silver and palladium) to the whole range of nickel-plating, copper-plating and brass-plating, bright, opaque or aged, for all types of small metal parts, including screws and bolts. Useful in case of precision threading, the white bronze bath presented by Berti Galvanica allows implementing excellent nickel-free finishes, bright as standard nickel-plating, but without the classical coarsening that can damage the threading. Besides, thanks to a new metal impregnation machine, the enterprise can execute a painting that makes the proposed finishes even more resistant.