Stanley launches fastener for waterproof handhelds and wearables
Stanley has launched a tiny screw and thread pair (known as a micro-fastener) for waterproof and vibration-proof wearables and portables. “Since water-resistant standards play a big role in making expensive handheld and wearable…

Fastenal adds SPEEDWRAP® Brand products to their hub in Indianapolis, Indiana
Fastenal Company, the number 12 ranked Industrial Distributor according to Industrial Distribution Magazine’s ‘Big 50 List’, has added 45 SPEEDWRAP® Brand products to Fastenal’s warehouse located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Known by Fastenal as…

New website of American fastener specialist Mr. Metric
Mr. Metric, the leading metric fastener specialists in North America, is online with a revamped website: mrmetric.com. As part of the ongoing effort by Mr. Metric to enhance the user shopping experience, this…