Martin Van Der Zwan, new Chairman of IWMA
Martin Van Der Zwan has taken over as the new chairman of the IWMA, from retiring chairman Mrs Amanda Shehab.
Elected during the IWMA annual general meeting held Wednesday 7th February 2018 at The Mere Golf Resort & Spa, Knutsford, UK, Martin is excited by the opportunity of driving the association forward over the next three years into its next exciting phase.
Talking of his new position, Martin said “Our association is growing with an increasing number of new members-companies from a wider range of countries. More companies want to export and move to an international stage and they see the IWMA as a gateway to their new markets.”
Martin has over forty years experience in the electrical and optical cable industry, having joined BICC in 1977 and culminating when he retired from Prysmian Cable and Systems, now Prysmian Group.
In 2008, Martin started Cable Tapes UK Limited with his business partner in Manchester, UK, and has dramatically grown the business to be a leading supplier of mica tapes to cable manufacturers globally.