Cinzia Galimberti

An optical switch constituted by a single atom

The researchers of the Wien Universität Technische, in Austria, have actually transformed an optical fibre cable into a “laboratory” for quantum experimentations, with the target of creating, to manipulate light, the smallest possible…

Advances in nano-optics

The new frontier of Information Technology is the confinement of single light particles in nanostructures to control their movements in the integrated circuits of the future: actually, the possibility of implementing chips where,…

Nanofibres with high thermal conductivity

Polymers generally operate as thermal insulators, but with a process of electro-polymerization the researchers of the Georgia Institute of Technology have obtained some arrays of polymer nanofibres able to conduct heat 20 times…

The recovery of the mechanics and sub-supply division goes also through research and training. At MECSPE 2015 we make space to youth, and technology & process innovation.

The next appointment will take place at Fiere di Parma, from the 26th to the 28th March 2015 The companies of the mechanics and sub-supply world look faithfully at the end of 2014…

The rise of 4D printing

4D printing develops materials that can change properties and characteristics based on changes in the environment—like temperature. The changes could let materials self-assemble thus speeding up manufacturing and reducing labor requirements. 4D technology…

European Commission: mission growth

Focus on growth and job to recover 350 million investments and 4 millions of jobs, lost because of the crisis. The European Commission is rethinking its agenda and urging Member States to recognize…

Planning and Design Square: at MECSPE biomaterials meet art

Materioteca®, the no-profit initiative managed by Plastic Consult in collaboration (for the 6th consecutive year) withMECSPE, during the event (Fiere di Parma -Parma Fairground-, 26th-28th March 2015) will give life to the Planning…

Partnership between Italy and USA to support the global manufacturing renaissance

Italy and USA signed an alliance to relaunch an innovative, sustainable and inclusive manufacturing industry. Aster, the Consortium for Innovation and Technology Transfer in Emilia-Romagna, and Manufacturing Renaissance, independent no-profit organization in Chicago…

Laser manufacturing process creates brackets for aerospace applications

The newest satellites manufactured by Airbus Defence and Space (ADS) feature special clamps that connect the body of a satellite to the feed and sub-reflector assembly at the top end. Clamps manufactured by…


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