PAGANONI – Division of MARIO NAVA SPA – is an Italian brand well known in the wire drawing business worldwide, thanks to its technical and technological solutions. The company has been on the market since 1975 and is specialized in the realization of wear-resistant coatings and materials on mechanical parts for wire-drawing machines. Its wide production range includes the renowned materials and coating KERSINT®, KERBLACK®, WOLSIDE®, NIKSINT® and COLDSIDE® . Two important aspects of this large selection of products and services offered to the international wire drawing industry are particularly worth mentioning: the KERSINT® rings on the one hand and the construction of new capstans, as well as the refurbishing service of worn-out drums on the other hand. The production of KERSINT® rings includes several dimensions, up to diameters of 450 mm for rod-breakdown machines in the copper industry. These products are now available in yellow KERSINT® as well as in white KERSINT®. Capstans or drums are treated with special coatings on the climb-up zone, which is the most subject to strain and wearing because of the skidding. Customers can choose among several coatings such as KERBLACK®, WOLSIDE® o COLDSIDE®, according to the function of their capstans. The company has just created a separate hub in Sirone (LC), with the purpose of improving the logistics service towards all customers worldwide. This 2500 square meter area is few kilometers away from the headquarters in Bosisio Parini and from the factory no. 2 in Annone Brianza and will be used for the logistics of the whole company. The investment will enhance and optimize the daily shipments to customers all over the world.